How to Write a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is a comprehensive expression that contains the main idea of the paper. Its wording should be clear and have an argumentative basis. The thesis frequently becomes one of the main problems of students. It is often confused with the introduction, which is unacceptable. To compose a great thesis statement, you need to have a good understanding of the specifics of your work. If you want to achieve success, then follow the tips below.

The Thesis Statement and Its Features

It doesn’t matter what kind of work you are assigned. It can be a report, an essay, a doctoral dissertation, and other projects. It is necessary to make a thesis outline competently so that there will be no confusion later on. You can look up the texts themselves on the essay writing service, but the formation of the plan will be your sole responsibility. It consists of the following elements:

  1. The topic of the article.
  2. Information of one author or an entire group.
  3. The main purpose of the work.
  4. Objectives set for you.
  5. Relevance of the topic in question.
  6. Methods for conducting the research.
  7. Main statements related to your work (hypotheses proposed).
  8. Results. They are necessary in case the work has already been started or completed.
  9. Prospects for the development of the chosen direction.

You will quickly understand what a thesis statement is all about. But you need to have a thoughtful approach to reading the material. In fact, with the help of a well-developed plan, you will put everything in order. This will allow you to get into the essence of the topic and understand how important it is.

Once you make it clear to yourself, you will immediately look convincing in the eyes of others. But in addition to a precise statement of thought, don’t forget about the correct layout of the printed version. The standard requirements supported by educational institutions are as follows:

  • the layout of the sheet in portrait orientation, format – A4;
  • document type – *.doc, *.docx or *.rtf;
  • the font used is Times New Roman (12 – 14);
  • left margin – 2.5 cm, right, top, and bottom – 2 cm;
  • separation of words – a single space;
  • the volume of theses – not more than 3 pages;
  • the peculiarity of the pages – mandatory numbering.

Knowing the basic nuances, you will not make mistakes when composing the thesis. This will allow you to focus your energy in the required direction and fully delve into the set tasks.

How to Write a Thesis Statement: Basic Tips

A thesis statement is an element present in almost every article, for example, in essays, reports, and other papers. As a rule, it takes a lot of time to form it. To compose a great thesis statement, use the following tips:

  1. Extensive brainstorming. Don’t work alone. Involve your friends, family members, or supervisor. With their help, you can compile a list of ideas, and some of them will be excellent options for further work on the project.
  2. Formulating a research question. This is not an easy task, but it is achievable. You need to compose the question, which you will have to respond to in the future.
  3. Search for an answer and take a certain position. Express your opinion on the question that was asked in the previous paragraph.
  4. Narrow the circle and focus on your point of view. If you claim to have a good article, refuse to fill it with general information. You need specific data to justify your position.
  5. Support your answer with proof. Find as many sources as possible that will convince others of the correct choice of position.
  6. Maximum self-confidence. When writing, get rid of the passive voice, so you don’t spoil your audience’s impression.
  7. Finding counterarguments. Be prepared that not everyone will agree with your arguments. It will be a fascinating struggle and defending your point of view. For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare counterarguments so as not to be confused at the responsible moment.
  8. Determine the value of the paper. Identify how important and interesting the topic you are examining is. The best thesis is the one that is impossible not to think about, even after a full reading of your work.

Following these tips will take you to the next level when creating research papers and essays. With a competent approach, your work will generate maximum interest.

Types of Thesis Statement

Depending on the purpose of the paper, there are several varieties of thesis statements. Some are based on proof, others on explanation and the third ones on the comparison of several results. You need to make the right choice to get your audience’s attention. Some of the main varieties of thesis statements include:

  • Argumentative. After making a certain statement, you have to provide evidence. Propose something that part of the audience will disagree with. Then prove your point;
  • Analytical. You don’t need pointed arguments here. Evaluate the same topic from different angles;
  • Explanatory. Discuss facts about the chosen topic, explain certain points to the audience;
  • Comparative. Here you need to compare several points and then match them to each other;
  • Cause-and-effect. Take into account an event and then provide a reason for its occurrence.

Think about which option will be suitable for your work. If you can’t make up your mind, then test several models. Discuss them with friends or family, and you can find the right solution.


The thesis is an important part of any paper. And if you compose them competently, you will instantly attract the attention of the audience. Use the simple tips given on this site to choose the best element of the text. Form it following accepted norms and discuss your opinion on the topic with others.